Susan Narjala
Keeping it Real

While You Wait
Fifteen years ago, while I was a single woman waiting for my forever man, I prayed this rather ridonculous prayer: “Father, I want you to be the cake and for my future husband to be the frosting.”
I wrote this not-really-Biblical prayer in my journal a few months before I met my dashing dude.
Thankfully, God answered and I got my “frosting” (We celebrated our 14th anniversary last month)
But I do think that 25-year-old me hit upon a certain truth: While we wait for that breakthrough, for that spouse, for that promotion, for that visa, for that job, for that …. you fill in the blank, let’s find our delight in God first. We were created for Christ Jesus. Yes, His gifts are good, but we will constantly be in waiting mode if all we’re looking forward to is the thing/ person we’re seeking. Let’s first find our soul’s satisfaction in the Giver.
While we anxiously linger in life’s waiting rooms, we tend to think to ourselves, “This is not what I signed up for.” Our dreams seem to be stuck in a hopeless rut. We long for breakthroughs.
I wrote this Bible Plan to help us dwell on the question: “What is the purpose of our waiting?” We’ll walk in the prophet Elijah’s shoes to discover what God can do in us and through us while we wait.
I would love for you to join me on my 7-day devotional, While You Wait on YouVersion.
Peg Bussell
Awesome! I can’t “wait” to get started!!! I am sure God delights in being your cake Susan!!! He is my pie! I woke up a tad silly. I enjoy your writings. Waiting is a great topic. Waiting can be long and difficult, but also so wonderful as we draw closer to God. I’ll go hit your link. Blessings!
Susan Narjala
Haha, Peg! You’re too funny. I like that you woke up a tad silly 🙂
I’ve gone through many waiting seasons in the past and I know I’ll continue to. I always grow and learn so much through the unusually unwanted & uncomfortable process. I’m in a waiting season now as well and the same one I’ve been in multiple times in the past… waiting for a spouse. Looking back the waiting taught me that i idolized marriage and didn’t have God first, then it taught me that I wasn’t ready, then that only God satisfies, He is enough, and now…. idk.
Now I question all that I have learned lol
Did I really learn to rely on God, that he’s first, and is enough? Am I “ready” now? Lol
It feels silly writing this, cause I’d like to act as if I’m cool and collected about all of this and I am content here in the place. With what God has done in my life and is doing… I mean wow has God shown me over and over that He wants and knows what’s best for my future. Not only that, but He overwhelms me with his love towards me. So I trust his timing. I guess I doubt my ability to wait lol
Anyways… what you wrote here really resonated with how I feel in the moment and I plan to read your plan you created!
So thank you!
Though it’s hard at times to be here in the middle, God is here too 🙂
Susan Narjala
Thanks for sharing your heart, Mariah! Praying that God will continue to encourage you with His sweet presence in this season of waiting too. Appreciate your stopping by my little blog.